Show Package
Sorry for Cursing
Spike Guys’ Choice Awards Show Package, Pitch 

With pitching you win some and you lose some, and sometimes you kinda win some, even if you kinda lose. We pitched on the show package for Spike’s Guys’ Choice Awards, and they were looking for something that felt masculine but upscale. Like a black tie event at a lodge decorated by leather, wood, and antlers. It was the tenth iteration of this event, so they were looking for something a little special. I answered with this direction, borrowing from the era of vinyl records and the Blue Note label art direction.

I always start the design process with a tear pull, grabbing from an unsorted personal store and a more targeted, inspiration-specific second pull, both of which you can see below. The kernels of type and color choices are born of these and evolve over time through rapid iteration into the final results that you see below. As mentioned above though, sometimes conditions change. A show graphics pitch can turn into a promo package job, and a pitch designed for the former might not always work out for the later. However, I am still proud of this work and can see some of the colors and imagery germinated here took root in the final product. I’m particularly proud of the crossed antler X for the 10th anniversary icon.

Creative Direction: Scott Matz

Art Direction: Kyle Miller

Design: Kyle Miller

Produced at Thornberg & Forester

© 2021 Kyle Miller

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